MR Commitment pl




You can trust that we are consulting you the right way!
Both commercial and technical consulting have got our highest priority. It is our ambition to offer solutions to our customers that are both technically reliable and commercially sustainable. The competence of our Sales & Technical team is outstanding and will continue to develop through training courses and further education.

The guideline to improve our support and consulting further is described in our quality management system according to BS EN ISO 9001:2015 which was launched over 25 years ago.


3 p.m. Cut Off – Can be supplied next day!
Any orders received by 3pm with standard stocked sizes can beAny orders received by 3pm with standard stocked sizes can besupplied next day either for stock or directly to site. Any customsizes or large couplings can also be supplied next day dependingon production availability. Overnight delivery fees apply.


Our innovations help improving problems on site!
It is our companies aim to develop new products and to improve and further develop the existing range of products through rivaling new and innovative technologies. A good example is the initial launch of the TOX®-Technology to the sewerage industry. The TOX®-Technology eliminates the corrosion of the stainless steel components and increases the life circle.


100% availability creates confidence!
Our entire product range is stocked in bulk. This includes both core range items with a high turn around as well as special items with a lower demand. The manufacturing department is the heart of our company. This is where we manufacture bespoke made large standard couplings and bushes on special customer demands and on time.

Our 100% availability and delivery capacity allows us to offer a proper solution for almost any problem within the sewerage industry.


On the safe side!
All our products comply with and exceed the requirements of the latest DIN and European standards as well as national and international
approvals. If it says MISSION you can depend on a safe installation process for the installer.

The high quality standards and certifications assume a life circle for Mission couplings of 50 years, providing proper packaging, stocking and installation.